Playland Book Featured In Post On Ocean

Playland Greetings From Ocean City, Maryland Featured on Ocean

It was incredibly exciting to have my new Playland book featured on Ocean I had a great conversation with Kristin Helf for the article, because she was so easy to talk to. And she did a great job piecing together my stream-of-consciousness answers into a coherent piece.

I love how she opened the article. She truly captured the moment I pulled my car onto Dorchester Street in 2014. That was the moment that put the book in motion.

In addition to Kristin’s great writing, the piece got massive amounts of exposure. The bump in sales since the post went live and the Playland book featured on Ocean’s main page has been amazing! It was like somebody turned on a switch.

I’m so grateful for this great article. It’s helped get the book “out there!”

