Playland Book Featured in Ocean City Today

Playland Greetings From Ocean City Maryland book published in Ocean City Today newspaper

More exciting news as Playland: Greetings From Ocean City, Maryland was featured in the August 16, 2019 edition of Ocean City Today. OC Today is an actual newspaper, so this is the first occasion of Playland getting print coverage. Which is always exciting for an old guy like me.

In fact, it was my three-a-day newspaper habit in 1982 (the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Baltimore Sun, and the Washington Post) that got me thinking about being a writer. I was living in Ocean City at the time and working at the the 84th Street Exxon. Every morning my boss and I would swap the papers around and discuss the news.

Playland Greetings From Ocean City Maryland book published in Ocean City Today newspaper

Lydia Woodley did a fantastic job putting the piece together. She had a number of excellent follow-up questions that really brought everything together. I’m grateful for the care she took in trying to get everything right.

So it means a lot to me to have Playland featured in an Ocean City newspaper. One of those things that you didn’t dare even dream about. And yet, there’s my book is in Ocean City Today!

It’s really been a special summer. And one that I’ll never forget!



Playland Book Featured In Post On Ocean

Playland Greetings From Ocean City, Maryland Featured on Ocean

It was incredibly exciting to have my new Playland book featured on Ocean I had a great conversation with Kristin Helf for the article, because she was so easy to talk to. And she did a great job piecing together my stream-of-consciousness answers into a coherent piece.

I love how she opened the article. She truly captured the moment I pulled my car onto Dorchester Street in 2014. That was the moment that put the book in motion.

In addition to Kristin’s great writing, the piece got massive amounts of exposure. The bump in sales since the post went live and the Playland book featured on Ocean’s main page has been amazing! It was like somebody turned on a switch.

I’m so grateful for this great article. It’s helped get the book “out there!”





Playland Is Now Available at Trimper’s Rides in OCMD

Playland is now available at Trimper's Rides in OCMD!

I’m so very happy to announce that Playland is now available at Trimper’s Rides! The book is in the Down Memory Lane Gift Shop, which is in the Inlet Village at the southern end of the Ocean City boardwalk.

Trimper’s has been a special place to me for a long as I can remember. I grew up riding the Kiddie Rides inside the Carousel Building before “graduating” to the bigger adult rides outside on the boardwalk.

Here’s the proof! A photo of me and a friend on Trimper’s Loop-O-Plane in 1973! That was an “extreme” ride at the time. There weren’t a whole a lot rides back then that went upside down.

Trimper's Rides Loop O Plane Playland book at Trimper's

The Trimper’s Loop O Plane ride in 1973.

So I am truly thrilled that Playland is now available at Trimper’s Rides. Very humbled for sure, as it’s something I never even dream of. And please let’s reward Trimper’s for taking the book on!





Playland Is Now Available at Bethany Beach Books

Playland Greetings From Ocean City Maryland available at Bethany Beach Books

I’m very proud to announce that Playland: Greetings From Ocean City, Maryland is now available at Bethany Beach Books!

This amazing book shop is right in downtown Bethany Beach. In fact, it sits just a block from beach at 99 Garfield Parkway.

The copies they have are signed by yours truly! So go in a grab them while they last!

Again, I’m so grateful to Bethany Beach Books for giving Playland a chance on their shelves.

It would be nice to reward them for supporting a local author!




Playland on the Shelf at Ocean City Life-Saving Museum

Playland: Greetings From Ocean City, Maryland author Earl Shores at the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum June 2019

Playland author Earl Shores at the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum.

What a thrill it was to walk up to the door of the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum and not even have to open the door to see Playland: Greetings From Ocean City, Maryland on the shelves. Sitting just about eye-high, the distinctive sunset Playland cover can’t be missed when you open the Museum door.

So incredibly honored to the book sitting there among all the other Ocean City and Eastern Shore stories and histories. It was also a thrill to hear the two copies of Playland were sold the day before! Here’s hoping the Museum sells many more!

